Power is a systemic part of contemporary society. The French philosopher Michel Foucault once said, “The human subject is placed in relations of production and signification, and he is equally placed in very complex relations of power.” Based on this, I began to reflect on whether the so-called “truth” or “normal” is merely a dominant discourse constructed through power. These discourses use “representational practices” to define and control people’s perception of reality. For example, mainstream discourses may define certain behaviours, ideas, or groups as “normal” or “rational,” while marginalizing or even devaluing others. In my view, this is an abuse of power. Therefore, through this project, I aim to challenge mainstream norms and values and, to some extent, break this cultural hegemony. I attempt to contrast the solemnity of public spaces, where power is embedded, with seemingly absurd scenes to provoke the audience to reflect on power, culture, and public space.